If you have any questions about Hope Emergency, please call at 937-364-1055.
Effective Immediately and until further notice, Hope Emergency will distribute food on Wednesdays from 10 am-1:30 pm. We ask that you arrive by 1:15. Additionally, Buildings 2, 3 and our volunteer nurses will be on a 9 am to 1 pm schedule. The last clients into those buildings will be admitted at 12:45. As always, during inclement weather, please check our Facebook, website or local news stations for updates.
Upcoming events around Hope
Hope will be accepting clothing in Buildings 2 and 3. We ask that clothing be freshly laundered, gently used and that you only bring 3 bags at a time. Furniture will be accepted as long as it is 50 lbs. or less. Additionally, practical and non-bulky items are accepted
Compassion in Action-United for a Cause-Wednesday, April 2nd 10-1:30
Join us for a fun filled day where more than 15 local community resources gather for a Spring Resource Fair as part of Compassion in Action. Additionally, Brown County Health Department will be bringing their caravan and offering Flu shots and more. Clients will receive large bags of personal care items donated from local resources. Tour our resource tables and receive “goody” items and put your name in for several raffle items.
During the winter of 24’/25′, please check for closings on Channel 9, 12, or 19 or their websites.
Remember to Follow us on Facebook for updates!
Wish List Items
Hope Emergency has need for the following items for our clients:
Laundry pods, dish liquid, both men and women deodorant, razors, shampoo, conditioner, paper towels, toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, sheets, blankets, bar soap, crock pots, handheld can openers, bath towels and air mattresses with the pumps built in. In addition, non-perishable food items such as peanut butter and canned tuna, chicken, pork or beef.
If Phones are ever out….
Hope Emergency can be reached at hopeemergency@hotmail.com
Hope Emergency is searching for volunteers, both male and female to help sort through clothing and assorted donations. Volunteers are needed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please call us at 937-364-1055.
For more information about Hope Emergency and their programs call 937-364-1055 or email them at hopeemergency@hotmail.com. Website: www.hopeemergency.org. Mailing address is P.O. Box 214, Fayetteville, OH 45118.
New Clients
All NEW clients that are either new or those who have not received services at Hope for several years should stop at the stop sign half-way up the drive and wait until someone comes to give you further instruction.
The Hope Emergency Program is a 501 (c) (3), social service outreach program. Every week food, clothing and household items are distributed to an average of 250 families. In addition to the weekly distribution, a special effort is made to help families recover from personal disasters such as home fires and floods. Our services are open to residents of Adams, Brown, Clinton, and Highland counties.
Some of our families need our services for a short time in order to recover from a loss of a job or personal disaster. Many of our families need more long-term assistance to make their income stretch to cover their necessities. Everyone who comes for food and clothing receives it.
Contact us if you have any questions about our program and eligibility.
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